Monday, May 17, 2004

return from singapore

the trip was good. as usual, whenever i go on holidays, i do not feel like getting back to work. zita was providential and got a job in a day. i have never seen santosh, my mate in singapore, as happy as he was when he explained to me the project he was working on. santosh magnanimously accepted zita as his employee without even interviewing her. i learned fazal finally proved his manhood. sheena is due to deliver in dec 2004.

monica might be pregnant as well. ever wonder why people say "congratulations" when you say "my wife is pregnant" ? i personally think getting a woman pregnant is fairly easy [ask any unmarried man and he would agree that the chances of his girl friend getting pregnant before marriage is close to 100%]. as a matter of fact, last month was the first month in 2 years of our marriage i & monica decided to have a baby. so, i tell my father in law in singapore "monica thinks she might be pregnant". he quivers, offers his thanks to Jesus, Rama, Buddha, Allah and everyone else - ends up congratulating me like i have never been congratulated before. i never thought becoming a grand father was that grand an occasion. or was he thinking, "i married my daughter off 2 years back, how come she is not pregnant yet" ?. i think he was finally relieved to find out my sperm is still quite powerful.

just recently, i found out 2 out of 5 women in the world have pregnancy related problems. they require IVF in order for them to become pregnant. success rate of one IVF cycle is about 30 % meaning women usually go through an average of 4 cycles before they become pregnant. each cycle costs them USD 5000 !! even before the baby is born, the baby has costed them USD 20,000 !! it is not that easy for 40 % of women to become pregnant. a variety of problems, both inherent in men & women, makes it difficult for an embryo to develop. suddenly, i see things in a different light and i am thankful to God.

i want to start my own company someday, don't know when. the more i think, the sooner i want to do it. there are far too many limitations, risks and confusions at the moment. will see what God has in store for me.


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