Friday, October 15, 2004

no more movies..

no more movies until delivery ? WHA !! the reason, monica says, is because she feels uncomfortable sitting in those chairs at the cinema. the reason, i reckon, is that her arse has become too fat to fit in those seats :-). oops, i better watch out when i get back home tonight. she will perhaps feed me cat food, shove me to sleep on the couch or cut my penis off while i sleep.

antenatal [yoga], aquanatal [swimming], child birth preparatory [for mums & dads], NHS workshop [for mums] are some of the classes monica would have to attend between now and child birth. three evenings in a week will be devoted to these proceedings. i would go with monica to the evening classes ofcourse.

isn't it frustrating when people spell your name any which way they want - particularly after you have spelled it for them a few minutes earlier ? the most hated character, i am sure, has got to be the english alphabet 'h'.

yes sir, your name please ?
-> nagi mahalingam

yes, can you spell it for me please ?
-> can i write it down for you please, the surname is quite long

sure, very kind of your sir.
-> n a g i [] m a h a l i n g a m

ok, thank you sir. i will input them into the computer and print out a copy for your records.

wallah ! the print out is handed out. i take one look at it and throw a tantrum. the bastard [sometimes a bitch] has inserted a 'h' in my surname. mahalingHam. man, there is no f*&^ing HAM in my name !

-> ahem ... hiks, you spelled my name wrong.
oh, i am terribly sorry sir.

the guy takes a look, compares names and says:

sorry sir, i don't see it. everything looks to be in order.
-> ayatollah bloody arseholla, can you not see the extra 'H' in my surname ?

if this happens once or twice it is ok, i am sure it will be no more than a faux pas. everyone - in every organization, agency, cricket club, bank – all spell it wrong !!! oh God. i am heated up. could it be just that, lots of names in the UK do actually have a similarity with my name ?[yes, i am not joking].

willingHam, gillingHam, walsingHam, alkHam, cheltenHam, chippenHam, birmingHam – just a few examples. please go aheard and insert mahalingHam somewhere up in the list.

have to go home now. bonus, it is a weekend - although a rainy one.


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