Friday, May 21, 2004

sincere wishes

i sent out an email informing friends and family about the impending arrival of my baby boy [or baby girl] in jan 2005. when i arrived for work this morning, i was quite overwhelmed by all the replies and sincere wishes. one among them was unique. my mate sparkal, from melbourne, said i have taken a step in the "right direction". it didn't mean much to me but it has been 7 hours since i read his email. you know, he is absolutely right. i've been thinking more like a family man the past 1 week than i have over the past 8 years with monica.

marriage is not for companionship alone. it is for propagation [of faith, of values, of morals] and for utmost commitment. had it been only for companionship i guess most people would fancy staying as "partners" and not as "husbands and wives".

i've been already thinking about "delivery" & the pain that goes with it. i have this flamboyant vision of monica holding on to my testicles and squeezing them with every push she makes in the maternity ward so that i might experience the pain she feels. OUCCCCH !! i was wondering how my demure looking wife would deliver the baby come crunch time. speaking of sparkal, something swiftly hit me. his wife arati is one of the most minuscule of women you would ever see. you look at her and speculate how in the world she could carry a baby although sparkal himself seems to be carrying triplets in his tummy permanently. arati is so petite, her hips are barely wide enough to blast the odd fart out let alone a baby !! monica is even smaller than arati. although monica has no trouble being a fart cannon, I still cannot comprehend how she will push the baby out come delivery time.

my BBC [british born chinese, ex-nokia colleague] friend, daniel, said he cannot believe i am reproducing. thinking about it, i am an indian, monica an ethnic chinese. after all, we are the two communities that have over populated this planet.

now i have a mental picture of a conveyor belt and a mass baby production line.

my next blog will be on monday.


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