Wednesday, November 03, 2004

the 4 year curse

bambino's 85 yr old curse might be over but bush jr's 4 year old despotism seems to be gathering steam for a further 4 years. on the optimistic side, this would be his final term.

i stayed up late until 03:00 am to catch some of the election coverage - from CNN, BBC and TV5 [france]. i will come back to this but first i need to bring to your attention something called virtual voting. it is a london based non political, non governmental organisation that has been requesting site visitors to cast their votes on the US presidential election. it was a landslide for kerry with 77% of all the votes going in his favour. even nader got 14%, ostensibly, while bush jr deservedly got his 7 odd percentage points.

it shows how bush jr is truly beheld - OUTSIDE of the usa that is. however, i begin to marvel how different american people really can be ? can it be so that bush's approval rating is 7% worldwide [excluding the usa] while at least a simple majority of americans think bush jr. is the real deal ? even more mystifying: CNN reports, 54% of all men voted for bush jr. while 54% of all women voted for kerry! for the first time in my life i feel ashamed being a man ! a confounding note, why do i agonise much about who is elected ? i neither have voting privileges [thankfully] nor am i an american.

on why i like kerry: he speaks clearly, answers only to the questions posed, gets his numbers right almost all the time and candidly discloses that war would be his last alternative. now, that takes fortitude to say [not caring about whether it would crucify him eventually] especially in a land where an overwhelming majority of its citizens often see nothing wrong in poking their noses where they don't belong.

journalism is a powerful trade. journalists have the aptitude to influence absolutely *anyone*. the reports from CNN were decidedly pro-bush jr while BBC's were fairly neutral - i suppose BBC had no motive to sway either side. at this moment bush jr is leading 254 to 252. i pray and hope kerry carries ohio. but i know it would be wishful thinking. i am going to refrain from saying it but i am afraid i know who actually will win.

if kerry loses, the world collectively would lose. if bush jr wins, he would have won *simply* because he played his "war on terror" card brilliantly well.

HRH general el presidente musharaf is smiling ! if bush jr wins, i heard, musharaf has plans to go to mecca, offer his thanks and tattoo an image of bush jr on his arse. hey ! that may be one reason why bush should lose :-) - avoid having his face on musharaf's arse ?


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