Wednesday, May 26, 2004

rude awakenings

apologies for missing a blog yesterday. i had been so productive at work [surprise] that i did not have the time to even check email. monica's six weeks' worth of folic acid supplements appear to be ready at the pharmacy and ready for collection. the ginseng magic appears to be working now as i can at least remember that i have been taking ginseng for 5 days !! from that, my memory is far healthier than it was 5 days back.

ignominy !! i went to tesco, a local superstore, on monday evening and bought a small load of stuff. everything scanned and painstakingly placed in the plastic bags ready to take home. the humiliation came about when the check-out lady said, £16.24 please !! i had forgotten to carry my wallet with me !! after some bollywood style flash backs, everything in bright, fluorescent colour ofcourse, i could vividly recall placing the wallet safely on the coffee table at home. bloody ginseng had let me down !! what nonsense. i had to wriggle and writhe, very politely confess to the check-out lady that i had left the wallet at home. she seemed sympathetic, understood these things happen to morons, and suggested i go and fetch the wallet. just when i was feeling grateful to the lady for not poking fun of me, she said "you realise sir, i cannot let you take the stuff with you before you pay for them ?" well, doh !!

anyway, i am being harrassed in the nights recurrently. it is not subtle any longer. monica has got hold of a cattle prod from some place and keeps jabbing me every few hours to stop snoring. i usually flip to one of my sides and hope my snoring would subside. what else can i do ? although it will suit monica very well, stitch my mouth ? like mark twain said, "a man will never be able to ascertain why he cannot hear himself snore". so, i am at peace.

the Mahabaratha has been on stage in monica's mind. she keeps wrenching names out of the Mahabaratha for baby names !! luckily, i have veto power [or at least the power to suggest alternatives]. she says "pandu", i says "ghatotkacha". she keeps asking why i do not like some of the names she suggests and adds to her persuasion that those were great people.

at the end of the argument we settle upon "aditya" but also agree to draft a name list to browse later. suggestions are most welcome – monica & i must remind you of our veto powers.

we went into the city a few days back and i took some pictures with monica and yovita. you can view the pictures [here].


At 26 May 2004 at 19:56, Blogger Monica said...

I have to add, "aditya" was also _my_ suggestion. Nagi did not really have good suggestions at all. "ghatotkacha"? Come on.. He's a hero, good guy, powerful and all, but sorry, the name is just too scary. I think he only mentioned it to annoy me because he doesn't like my "pandu". I can't believe "pandu" got vetoed! *doh*


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