Thursday, June 10, 2004

what about bob

i went for an examination at the local clinic on wednesday evening. i was already asked to bring a urine sample and the first thing they did was test for diabetes. i do not comprehend how they do it using just a urine sample, but the good news is that i am not diabetic. next the nurse strapped some contraption on my right arm and at the push of a button the thingamajig started squeezing my biceps as if i am receiving a brilliant massage for no apparent reason. may be they delight non diabetic people with a rub down at this clinic !! alas, my relaxation stopped when i heard intermittent beeps. aha, i realised it was a blood pressure monitor !

i have high blood pressure, 160/110. the nurse took the reading twice, a 10 minute break between the two. i produced identical reading the second time around as well. now, i have been requested to see the nurse again next friday, 1 week spot on from today. the nurse said if the blood pressure remains that high, she would scrutinise my blood pressure for an additional week, thrice a day. i think i can regulate my blood pressure back to normal. i neither know the reason for this high blood pressure nor do i feel any transformation in my physical or mental health. i am not troubled too much. i am sure it will settle down satisfactorily sooner rather than later.

i called fazal at maldives today to find out how he & sheena are doing. i did not give any name when i called, fazal thought i was bob – i wondered who bob was. fazal maintains he has a friend bob in maldives while i am fairly confident it is not a common name there. sheena got promoted and she is a project coordinator at the president's bureau. sheena often tells me that i would take delivery of a red carpet welcome if & when i visit maldives. i have no doubt about that.

a propos my work, i have some news which i will indeed make public on monday [14/06]. monica, i and yovita had dinner at a vietnamese restaurant today as monica desired to have something soupy. i had some spicy vietnamese curry that had mock abalone [made of soya] and ladies finger [okra]. i must acknowledge, it was nice.


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