Monday, June 14, 2004

coochi coo baby

can anyone remind me who came up with this phrase ? i think it is that telly savalas [kojak] guy although he might have wrapped that phrase from one of the kids on the road. anyway, i been taught two new words "woot" and "teehee" by the ever so useful yankees. my niece ammu [pronounced moose] is planning to do a doctoral thesis on wootology as the challenges in medicine and engineering are merely not there for her anymore. she has almost perfected the word "woot" as it can now be used as a noun, a verb and an adjective !! do not fret, more work is being done by her to extend its efficacy to other areas.

thanks to moose, now, we have the competence to say things such as "sorry to have wooted you, mr. i will make sure the woot will not bother you tomorrow. i have no wooting idea what i am wootin about. i am such a woot !". amusing yanks. but then, i heard something even funnier. a troupe of british people gather in the salisbury plains every wednesday dressed up like ned flanders from the [simpsons]. the leader steers the sermon and everyone says "okalie dokalie" instead of something analogous to amen. crazy brits !

okay, to serious matters: on saturday last weekend i felt some chest pains. may be it was psychological as i had come to know from my earlier visit to the GP that my BP was 160/110. my left eye was experiencing some soreness, in the socket. i have read reports before that when the BP is high, blood vessels in the eyes get pinched and rupture in extreme cases. i did not want to gamble. i went to addenbrokes accident & emergency at 9:00 pm. i checked in, told the receptionist what i experienced. they whisked me away immediately, positioned 4 electrodes on my heart, 2 each on my hands & legs and recorded ECGs for 15 seconds. they took my BP after that. 135/88 - a lot better than wednesday but still a bit high. they examined my left eye with an optical device and invited me to read a chart from a distance with my right eye closed.

everything was ok, the doctor said my QRS complex [on the cardiogram] looked perfectly okay and he did not see anything wrong with the eye either. he said he was not willing to prescribe any drugs, not even an ointment for the eye. he went away in a dash saying i should come back in a couple of days if the pain still persisted. i wasn't too worried about the eyes although the twinge remained there for a further 2 days. now with ECGs i know conclusively there is nothing wide of the mark with my heart.

yesterday, i was searching for my certificates [graduation certificates] from my suitcase upstairs. i had been watching almost the entire england & france football game along with monica. though i do not like or enjoy football, i had predicted a 1-0 score to england before the game started. the game was almost over, so i went up and glanced for my certificates. i was there for barely a minute. i take notice of monica saying "oh God" and i was worried. i called her name from upstairs and enquired if she was feeling ok. she said, "yes man, no worries". 20 seconds later, she again said "oh my God" with a bit more emphasis on "God". i was apprehensive, came down to inspect her. what happened was that france had scored twice in roughly 2 minutes and had beaten a poignant england 2-1. i had gone up for only 2 minutes, the game was over and utterly turned around !!

this only reminded me of tyson & michael spinks super 88 match up. the hearsay goes like this. spinks's wife comes down the MGM grand elevator along with spinks himself, kisses him "good luck", informs him that she will return to the room and watch the match live on the TV. keep in mind, spinks has a 30-0 win-loss record, with 21 KOs. she sees him enter the ring, the lift's door close, reaches her hotel room [which is in the adjacent building] barely 1 minute later, turns the TV on and catches the referee pronouncing iron mike the winner !! spinks is on the floor and neither him nor his wife knew what hit them. the poor woman never saw her husband spinks fight ever again. spinks retired with a record of 31-1 [21 KOs], the only ever blemish was his loss to iron mike in a world record time of 91 seconds.

that is what i felt like. even the replay of goals by france can never tell me how it exactly happened.

oh yeah, i am resigning from my work today. i will serve out my notice period of 4 weeks starting tomorrow. the idea is for me to park myself at home and take care of the baby once delivered. monica will be the bread winner for the family while i hang about at home cleaning, cooking, lawn mowing, shopping, washing clothes, disposing diapers etc. i and monica talked about this a lot and we both decided this is how we wanted things to be.

bollocks !! monica will never agree to this twaddle. i wuz zust zokin [wootin], i am joining a new company in cambridge middle of next month. more details later.


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