Monday, August 02, 2004

fahrenheit 9/11

last weekend we saw around the world in 80 days and fahrenheit 9/11. the first one, by [jackie chan] is almost certainly his worst ever. essentially, the movie is all about one kung-fu fighting chinese dude and an utterly moonstruck brit trying to circumnavigate the world with a parisian woman, who looks like a high class slut, tagging along almost all the way.

my verdict [5/10] – don’t waste your money on this movie. it is intended to be an adaptation of [jules verne’s] classic but it was more of a massacre than anything. mike moore’s [fahrenheit 9/11] enters my all time top 10 list. he is a genius. i am sure he is a democrat and perhaps hates republicans with a vengeance. but that is immaterial now. this movie is about a monkey posing as a president and ruling the most powerful nation on earth. mike’s documentary is a flawless balance of all displayable human emotions. i will not spoil it for you, please go and see it. if you see this movie and you have any sense [and voting rights], you will not vote for bush - ever. my verdict [9.9/10]. my ex-nokia associate and goofball, joseph farage, used to squeal about conspiracy theories behind the iraq offensive and I used to inspect his statements with scepticism. no, not anymore. hmm .. disregard bush, he is of no use to anyone.

some glad tidings from chris baines. caron is pregnant and they are expecting their baby during the last week of january 2005. as a matter of fact, I have known about this for 3 months now but chris requested me not to divulge this information to anyone until NHS had completed the first set of scans on caron. the whole lot is perfect and as it should be expected, chris is quite excited.

about monica: monica has yearnings for real unusual food – unusual because there is no way I could find those items for her anywhere in the UK. at home, i have monica and yovita assembling a looooong list of “food” they must avariciously consume on their impending trip to singapore & indonesia. you might wonder why yovita ? i ask the same thing myself. so, i begin to think that it just might be possible i have two pregnant women at home. that complicates the equation as I not only have a lot of explaining to do, but also set about finding the real culprit.

a few days back i saw the baby kicking about monica’s tummy. moncia thinks the baby is very active during evenings. monica is getting bigger as well. now you can undeniably see a protrusion on her tummy. i think i will take digital photos every week to catalogue and see how big she can actually get – up until delivery. we play some classical music for the baby in the evenings. it relaxes us as well at the same time. my work is good. lots to read and understand.


At 3 August 2004 at 23:03, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven’t seen Fahrenheit 9/11 yet, but I heard it was banned in Kuwait because of the criticism it apparently contained about America’s invasion of Iraq.

Has Monica got Baklawa on her “food” list, Nagi? ;-)


At 10 August 2004 at 22:34, Anonymous Anonymous said...

5/10 for a jackie chan film would rate up near his best ever in my opinion ;-) Nick


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